Category Archives: Travel

Northeastern California

Took a quick trip to explore Northeastern California, a corner of the state we know little about.. It’s important to be reminded there are vast empty spaces in California far removed from the pace and density of the Bay Area. The sparse population with few economic opportunities have billboards reminding us they want to be the 51st State of Jefferson.p1080227s

Lake Helen at the base of Mount Lassen in the National Park. Mount Lassen’s last violent eruption was just 100 years ago.


One of Mt Lassen’s balanced rocks looking down into the gigantic caldera of a very ancient volcano that is mostly eroded away.


Hiking to Bumpass Hell hydro-thermal area of hot springs and fumeroles and boiling mud pots..  In 1860 miner Kendall Bumpass took visitors to his claim there, warned them to be careful where they stepped and then, himself, broke through the crust, was very severely burned and his leg was amputated.


Bumpass Hell thermal site. Sulfur steam and boiling water everywhere.


Terrible accident – a semitrailer overloaded with hay bales lost control and flew off the highway right in front of us.  If the driver hadn’t made the decision to swerve off the road into a very deep gully we wouldn’t be here to write this post. A terrifying moment and luckily the driver managed to emerge alive, even as the brakes were on fire and the gasoline was pouring out.


Lava Beds National Monument – ever heard of it?  Kinda neat.


Lava flows extending for miles.


One of many lava tube caves formed when the surface of rapidly flowing lava cooled and hardened allow the lava underneath to flow out leaving hollow channels. Cave exploring is the major attraction of Lava Beds National Monument.


One of many caves – most are closed to visitors to protect the bats who live in the caves from humans whose clothes or belongings might carry white nose syndrome – a fungal disease that has decimated an estimated 80% of insect eating bats in the east – and is not yet in Northern California.


A fun night-time walk over Redding’s Sundial Bridge @ Turtle Bay.. Redding’s iconic pedestrian bridge is their attempt at a cool destination spot. It seemed to be working as many people were enjoying the location late at night.